HPV and Oral Health
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine prevents six types of cancer, including oropharyngeal cancer (OPC), a cancer of the throat, base of the tongue and tonsils, as well as other head and neck cancers. Eight out of ten people will contract HPV at some point in their lives and some will develop cancer. In recent years OPC in males has surpassed cervical cancer in females as the most prevalent HPV cancer in the U.S. The HPV vaccine is safe and effective, and can be given to people between ages 9 and 11, and up to age 45. It is important that oral health professionals make a strong recommendation to all age-eligible patients to get vaccinated.
Click the links below to access information about HPV and Oral Health
Materials for Providers
These resources can help educate you and your office staff on the latest information and guidance on HPV Dental Health, best practices for communicating with parents and patients, and tips for boosting your vaccination rates. Sharing these resources with office staff also helps ensure a consistent message to parents and patients about the importance of dental health.
Materials for Patients
Providing educational resources to parents will help them understand the importance of vaccinating their children against HPV, answer many of their questions about vaccination for oropharyngeal cancer prevention, and reinforce your recommendation.