Klamath County Behavioral Health Resource Network
Measure 110:
Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRN) are groups of providers identified by the Oregon Health Authority to collaborate on expanding culturally responsive and low-barrier access to substance use services. BHRNs were funded and established as result of Oregon voters passing Measure 110, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act. The purpose of Measure 110 is to make screening, assessment, treatment, and recovery services available to all who need and want access to those services; and to adopt a public health approach by removing criminal penalties for low-level drug possession. Individuals who are cited with a Class E non-commercial drug possession can qualify to have their fine waived by participating in a no-cost substance use disorder screening available 24/7 at (541) 575-3769. Once the screening is completed, the individual will be offered voluntary treatment services with a local BHRN provider of their choice.
LCS provides outpatient substance use services including assessment, treatment planning, psycho-educational groups, individual therapy, case management, and peer support services. LCS also offers specialized treatment areas in medication-assisted treatment, DUII services, and youth-focused activities around prevention, education, and treatment.
Max's Mission provides community outreach and harm reduction services across southern Oregon including overdose education, Naloxone use training and free distribution of Naloxone, Fentanyl test strips, sharps containers, syringe exchange, and supported employment. Max's Mission is the primary provider for harm reduction supplies in Klamath County and maintains public availability of Opioid Emergency Kit boxes.
The Stronghold is a peer-run organization offering culturally responsive peer support services, transitional housing for men, women, and children, harm reduction, and supported employment. Stronghold members are enrolled and/or descendants of a federally recognized tribe with operations located in Chiloquin, Oregon.
Transformations Wellness Center provides comprehensive substance use disorder treatment including screening, assessment, referral, care coordination, group, and individual counseling, DUII services, Office Based Opioid Treatment, Gambling Disorder services, long-term residential treatment, and recovery housing. Peer support services are offered throughout all programs.