The Healthy Klamath website is a community-based effort to improve the health and well-being of Klamath County residents. Together, Cascade Health Alliance, Klamath Basin Behavioral Health, Klamath County Public Health, Klamath Health Partnership, and Sky Lakes Medical Center created this resource for community members, policy makers, and health and social service providers. It provides local health data, resources, promising best practices, news articles and information about community events.
Healthy Klamath brings non-biased data, local resources and information to one, accessible, user-friendly location. The intent is to give our community the tools needed to read and understand the public health indicators that affect the quality of local residents' lives.
The tools can also help the community set goals and evaluate progress. Community groups, schools, health associations, chambers of commerce, tourism and many other organizations can use this information to show the benefits of living in Klamath County as well as opportunities for improvement.
Master planners and government officials can use this data to establish community goals on a variety of topics. The data is updated whenever source data is updated to provide the most up-to-date information.
The evolving nature of this website allows all users to contribute information and ideas. The promising practices section, found under Resources in the top menu, highlights exemplary programs and successes of local, state and national health departments. It also allows individuals to search for information on specific topics of interest. Our goal is to strengthen and build healthier communities through partnership, assessment, planning and evaluation.